Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why this is probably not a good idea

My mother recently joined Facebook and, sure enough, immediately sent a friend request to me and my wife. Now my FB activity was already pretty low-key because of the number of professional colleagues that I felt uncomfortable denying friendship status, but now I'm really on the short leash.
To make matters even worse, my mother is at home sick with bronchitis and her computer is suffering from its own virus (not bronchitis, but XLG Computer Control somethingoranother) right now. So she calls me at work and says, "hey, can you harvest my crops on Farm Town? Here's my password."
So being the dutiful son, I do in fact harvest her crops. I also rearranged her trees and turned off the terrible music loop, but I wasn't done there. My mother isn't that technologically savvy (see above comment re: computer viruses) and lacks a Facebook photo. So I replaced the Ghost of Alfalfa from the Little Rascals photo with a photo my wife took of her at Long John Silver's. This then got me thinking about what else I could do on her Facebook page. Here are some of my ideas:
  • Find out about Shigeru Baru, the architect who made a bridge out of paper
  • Become "a fan" of Burlesque Dancing 101
  • Write on Ken Blackwell's wall "hey, for all the screw-ups he's made, the GOP would still rather have Michael Steele be their token African-American figurehead."
  • Try to befriend all of Norway
  • Invest in Gold
Feel free to suggest your own.

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